MR Walking Tours vs Physical Walking Tours

August 25, 2021

MR Walking Tours vs Physical Walking Tours: A Comparative Study

As the world is slowly opening up, travel enthusiasts are eager to step out and explore new destinations. Walking tours have always been a preferred mode of exploring a city, but with the advent of technology and mixed reality, the traditional walking tours are facing stiff competition. In this blog post, we will compare MR walking tours against traditional physical walking tours and help you make an informed decision.

MR Walking Tours

MR walking tours offer a unique experience of exploring the city by blending the digital and physical world. These tours are conducted using a headset that overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing the tourist's overall experience.

Pros of MR Walking Tours

  1. Interactive Experience: MR walking tours offer a highly interactive experience where tourists are not mere spectators, they actively participate in the tour.

  2. Customizable: The virtual components used in MR walking tours can be customized as per the preference of the tourist.

  3. Variety of Tours: MR walking tours can cover a wide range of themes, including history, architecture, art, and culture.

Cons of MR Walking Tours

  1. Expensive: MR walking tours are more expensive than traditional walking tours due to the usage of specialized equipment.

  2. Technical Issues: Technical glitches can happen in MR walking tours, ruining the entire experience.

  3. Limited Personal Interaction: MR walking tours can limit personal interaction between tourists and locals.

Physical Walking Tours

Traditional walking tours offer a simple and affordable way of exploring the city. Guided by a knowledgeable tour guide, traditional walking tours provide tourists with an immersive experience of the destination's history, culture, cuisine, and lifestyle.

Pros of Physical Walking Tours

  1. Affordable: Traditional walking tours are affordable and accessible to all types of tourists.

  2. Cultural Integration: Traditional walking tours promote cross-cultural integration by giving tourists an opportunity to interact with locals.

  3. Personal Interaction: Traditional walking tours provide a platform for personal interaction between tourists and locals.

Cons of Physical Walking Tours

  1. Limited Information: Traditional walking tours provide limited information that may not be enough for some tourists.

  2. Physical Limitations: Physical walking tours can be exhaustive and difficult for tourists with limited mobility.

  3. ** Weather constraints:** Weather conditions can affect physical walking tours.


Both MR walking tours and physical walking tours have their pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preferences and budget. MR walking tours are ideal for people who prefer technological innovation and customization. On the other hand, traditional walking tours are ideal for budget travelers who want to experience the city's culture and interact with locals.

So, which one would you choose? Let us know in the comments below.


  1. The Pros and Cons of Mixed Reality Walking Tours for Museums
  2. Virtual vs. In-Person: A Comparison of Walking Tours

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